Freefoam fascia products are made to last

Fascia products with built in sun screen!

We all know that prolonged exposure to Ultra Violet (UV) light from the sun can damage our skin – and it has the same effect on PVC fascia – causing it to degrade over time.

Freefoam make roofline products using a natural mineral called titanium dioxide – as used in sun creams. It keeps our products white and bright for up to 50 years.

Fascia guaranteed to last you a lifetime

Freefoam fascia, soffit and guttering installations are guaranteed not to rot like wood or rust like metal. Nor will they crack, warp, discolour or blister – and we guarantee this for 50 years. Our guarantee is transferable if you ever sell your home.

Low maintenance fascia

Fascia, soffit and rainwater products made from PVC don’t require repainting or regular maintenance. A simple wipe-down once in a while with a damp cloth is all that’s required to keep Freefoam roofline products looking their best. This is a HUGE long-term advantage over old fashioned wood roofline and cast iron rainwater solutions as regular repainting can be time-consuming, awkward and expensive.


Why replace Wood Fascia with PVC?

To outline the reasons why PVC is a good choice for your home, we’ve put together a quick guide to help explain the benefits of pvc and how it’s a cost effective choice.

Download your FREE Guide to replacing wood fascia with PVC

Incredibly low lifetime costs for replacement roofline

So what value will your replacement roofline give you over that 50 years?

Taking the average cost of a roofline installation over 50 years it costs you just 0.1p a day!

Compared to the cost of fitting and repairing a wooden fascia it's money well spent.

Download our brochure for further details of our fascia product range & guarantees